October 9, 2011

Weekly Photo Challenge: Sunset (#1)

Suatu pagi di hari Minggu..

When I blogwalking to my friend's blog Mamarani, I got another interesting thing about blogging activity.. :)
It's Weekly Photo Challenge,
and, because I have a lot of Sunset Photo catch, :) I thought why that I don't participate too?

So.. here we go..
I'll show you the sunset from my belove city, Makassar :)

Sunset - Right next from Hotel Pantai Gapura- Makassar

This is my Friend picture, seems like he hold the sun, didn't he? :)
it's taken right before the sun fallen down..

Those picture not taken by Professional Camera, but just by my own HP, #ihik, sorry for "not so good" picture.. :)
So... that's it...

Thank you, for visiting my blog..
Sorry for my 'not so right' language.. hehehhee...

P.S: Buat kalian yang baca tulisan ini dan nanya' kenapa sok-sokan pake' bahasa inggris seeh??? ya itu, karena yang adain ini orang bule, wkwkwkwk...


  1. sudah dishare di kolom komentarnya weekly photo challenge yg untuk teman sunset.. share disana..biar banyak orang yang mendarat ke blog ta' ini..


Jejak para pembaca, boleh komen suka-suka :)